The Massage Read online

Page 3

  “Would you like to turn over?” he asked, withdrawing almost his entire length, leaving just his head between her lips.

  “Mmm, that would be interesting,” she said.

  He pulled out of her and knelt up. Then he gently helped her to get onto all fours. She considered lying down completely and letting him enter her as she lazed on the table. She realized, though, that on all fours he would be able to touch her breasts and her clitoris. He pulled her oily hips towards him and easily pushed his hot, wet hardness inside her. She groaned as he filled her, the new angle stimulating her in different ways. As she had hoped, he used one hand to massage her breasts and the other to rub her clitoris. His strength and control were impressive, he did not need to rest his weight on his hands and arms. He was perfectly capable of thrusting slowly into her as his hands massaged her body. It felt as though his entire body existed to massage and please her. His cock and hands provided sexual pleasure, but even his muscular abdomen and chest were part of the massage. His hard body rubbed against her back, his strength arousing her. She had never been with such a muscular man and the power in his body excited her. “Harder?” she moaned, her voice questioning, unsure whether he was capable of being less sensual, more aggressive.

  “Of course,” he whispered. His movement increased in tempo, his cock driving deeper and more firmly. He was not fucking with manic enthusiasm of a man about to orgasm, he was simply quickening the pace and power to please her. This had moved from a relaxing massage to something firmer. Hannah smiled, thinking that this certainly qualified as 'deep tissue' massage. No cock had ever felt deeper inside her. She was amazed that the table did not rock or creak, there was nothing to distract her from the intoxicating sensations of his body and his cock. He began to kiss her neck as he fucked her, making certain that all of her erogenous zones were fully satisfied.

  Hannah could feel that an orgasm was growing inside her. She had not realized that she could cum without more frantic activity. In her past experiences with men she had always needed energetic rubbing of her clit and fast penetration to cum. David was teaching her that there were different ways to stimulate her body. This was sexual craft rather than unbridled lust. Despite his craftsmanship, it was clear that he was loving this too. His deep groans were filled with unmistakeable pleasure and his cock throbbed with his arousal.

  “You're going to make me cum,” she moaned, rubbing against him the way a cat will rub against a welcome hand.

  “Oh yes,” he groaned in response. It was the first time he had sounded less than a professional at work. He sounded like a man in the throes of ecstasy.

  “You're so fucking good at this,” she moaned, lifting one of her supporting hands so that she could feel the heat and weight of his body behind her.

  “You're so beautiful. You make me so hard,” he whispered, driving that hardness as deep as it could go. “You're so tight. I can feel how close you are.”

  “Oh god here it comes!” she moaned. She was amazed at the feeling of her orgasm. Nothing about it felt unreal, though it was totally new to her to come this slowly. It felt like her whole body was working in slow motion, allowing her to truly experience her orgasm. Normally she was lost in a frantic mess of humping and grinding, but this orgasm was being slowly and very firmly pushed through her body. The heat and tension inside her were a delicious agony as they increased, seemingly without end. “It's so fucking good!” she groaned, her jaw clenching and her entire body tense with pleasure.

  “You're so fucking gorgeous,” he moaned. His fingers quickened a little on her clit and he squeezed her breasts more firmly. His hips rocked, driving his cock in and out of her. This was the fastest that he had moved and it was still slower than Hannah had thought could bring a climax.

  Finally, the thrusts of his incredible cock pushed her over the edge and she found herself cumming hard. His strong arms held her still otherwise she would have collapsed. He drove into her relentlessly, pushing the orgasm on and on. Each time she thought that she had reached the peak of pleasure, he proved to her that there was more to experience. His cock quickened a little more and she found that her wetness was squirting out of her, soaking his shaft and his balls. He kept fucking, his rhythm increasing as her body asked for more. He was driving her on, pushing her past all her previous limits. She had never had such a long or intense orgasm. She had not known that such a thing was possible. With so many peaks and troughs, she was not sure if this was one long, huge orgasm or many normal climaxes strung together. Each time she thought that the pleasure was abating, he quickened his fingers on her clit or increased the force of his thrusting cock and she was delighted to learn that her body was capable of more. It felt as though he could keep her cumming indefinitely, a helpless prisoner of his irresistibly strong and sensual body. Her hands were no longer on the table, he was supporting the weight of both them with his powerful muscles. Still he pushed into her, straining against his own desire to cum. She could felt the tension of his cock as he forced himself to hold back and let her enjoy every pulse of her orgasm.

  She was just about to beg him to stop, to let her get her breath, when he slowly withdrew. He lowered her gently to the table and began to massage her again, his erect cock swaying over her trembling body. His hands eased her back into relaxation as her mighty orgasm subsided.

  “Oh fuck I'm shaking,” she said, closing her eyes and dissolving into the oil and wetness of the table.

  “Let me help you to relax,” he murmured. He knelt over her and massaged from her neck, down her shoulder and all over her back.

  Hannah was satisfied and relaxed but she felt that there was more to do. She wanted to make him cum. More than that, she wanted to see him cum. He had a magnificent cock and she wanted to play with it. It was time to show him that she could give pleasure as well as receiving it.

  “Perhaps you'd like to sixty-nine?” he said.

  “You read my mind!” she laughed.

  “Something like that,” he said, with a soft chuckle.

  Hannah slipped off the table and let David lie down on his back. He was a wonderful sight. His body glistened with oil and his big cock stood up, awaiting her attention. She idly ran her hands over him, enjoying the size and hardness of his muscles. Then she let him help her to climb up over his face. She settled her pussy onto his mouth and sighed as his tongue and lips caressed her. He was not trying to bring on another orgasm, he was simply giving her something to enjoy while she played. Perhaps he was also enjoying the taste of her wetness, because his cock throbbed and grew harder. Hannah was not distracted. She was focussed on making his thick cock into her new toy. She wrapped both of her hands around it and began to stroke its powerful wet shaft. Her pussy had left his cock soaking and her small hands slipped easily over every inch of him. She delicately rubbed her fingers over his sensitive tip, then down his rigid shaft, all the way to his hot, heavy balls. She could feel him groaning into her pussy, his sounds muffled by her lips against his. This was what she needed after her huge orgasm: the chance to play with him. She wanted to see what his beautiful cock could do. It had brought her plenty of pleasure, now she wanted to see it straining in her hands. She cupped his balls with one hand and used the other to stroke teasingly slowly up and down his shaft. Then she lowered her head and licked slowly around his tip. The cock throbbed in her hands and she felt David groaning and straining under her. She licked around him again, tasting her own wetness and his. Then she took the tip into her mouth and sucked him softly, working her hands simultaneously. His hands rose up and gripped her hips, then they began to squeeze her buttocks. At last she had the sense that he had lost his professional composure. This was the final experience that she needed. She had experienced enormous pleasure, but there was a final satisfaction in making him helpless with lust. She bobbed her head, taking him a little deeper in her mouth. She wanted him to yearn and beg. She put both hands on his shaft and suddenly started to tug almost too aggressively. He moaned hard and she slowed to
a gentle stroking once more. As soon as he seemed to regain his control, she gripped him hard and tugged fiercely again. He moaned a word, half curse, half thanks, but it was lost in her wet flesh. She alternated between teasingly soft caresses and aggressive pumping, all the while keeping her mouth around his tip, feeling it leak precum against her tongue. She tasted him, loving the salt of his arousal. Her hands explored the full length of him, then his balls and between his legs, finding that the strain reached from his tip to his anus. He was clearly aching for her.

  She sat back, admiring the hardness that her mouth and hands had produced. “Do you want to cum?” she asked, adopting his polite, professional tone.

  “Mmm!” he moaned desperately, his tongue pressing into her, the taste of her pussy adding to his arousal.

  “I want you to cum hard. I want to see it fucking shooting out of you so fucking hard. Will you cum for me?” she asked, teasing his tip with just one finger.

  “MMM!” he moaned, much louder this time. His hips rose, straining for a pleasure that she could withhold or provide as she chose.

  “Good,” she murmured. She took him in both hands and let him pump his hips. She held him too gently, knowing that it was not enough stimulation to give him the orgasm he so desperately needed. His cock was pulsing, dripping with precum, but he could not reach climax with so little help. He was desperate for released. “Do you want to?” she asked, teasingly.

  “MMM!” he moaned again, forcing his tongue against her anus this time. He gripped her buttocks, spreading them wide so that he could lick her.

  “Good,” she whispered. As his tongue pushed against her holes, she began to tug more firmly at his cock. She tightened her grip and she felt the cock swell in response. The head of his cock looked almost painfully swollen. He had to be so close. His balls were raising, pulling up towards his body. His shaft stiffened and strained. His hips rose and fell as her hands pumped in a wet blur. “Cum for me,” she urged. “Cum hard. I want to see this fucking huge cock cumming!”

  He drove his tongue into her pussy and the taste of her was the final moment of pleasure that he needed. Suddenly, his cock was harder than ever and Hannah gasped in delight as a jet of white cum erupted from his tip, arcing so hard and high that it spattered against her chest, hot and thick. She continued to pump her hands and his cock throbbed again, sending out another huge fountain of cum. This spray rose high and then fell down over his broad chest and muscular stomach. The white fluid against his dark skin looked beautiful. Hannah continued to pump him, desperate to be sure that he gave her all of his desire, all of his masculine lust. He groaned painfully as jet after jet of his hot cum sprayed out of his pulsing cock. “Give it to me, all of it!” she ordered, grinding her pussy into his face as he writhed with pleasure. He did not hold back. His hips continued to move and his powerful body pumped out every last drop of his desire. She lowered her body onto his, wanting to feel the cum rubbing between them, mixing with the oil and their sweat. She wrapped her mouth around his tip, taking the last drops onto her tongue and tasting his hot lust. She licked him and swallowed the last of his cum. As his orgasm subsided, she lay on top of him, gently stroking his cock as it fell into exhaustion.

  “Oh god, my god,” he groaned, panting for breath. “That was amazing.”

  “I'm very glad you think so. I may not be a professional, but I'm an enthusiastic amateur,” she said. They laughed, sharing the glow of shared pleasure.

  “Would you like to finish the session with a shower?” he asked.

  “That sounds perfect!” she replied, climbing carefully from him. “I think we both need to get clean.”

  His face was wet and he was smiling more than ever. He was no longer professional, he was intimate. He led her to the side of the room and showed her a door that had been unnoticeable before. Beyond the door was a wet room with grey slate tiles, a deep pool in the floor and showers around the walls. The room was hot and filled with fragrant steam. He led her beneath one of the showers and turned on the water. They cleaned one another using the scented body-wash dispensed from chrome units on the grey slate walls. The touching was no longer sexual, only sensual and intimate. When their bodies were cleaned of oil and cum and sweat, they shut off the shower and slid into the deep, hot pool. Unseen jets set the water bubbling and Hannah relaxed against him. His body was so large and comfortable it was like relaxing into the perfect arm chair. She closer her eyes and sighed, enjoying the warmth and the feeling of his strong arms around her.

  She felt like she were drifting into sleep.

  She realized that she had lost track of time. She opened her eyes to see if there was a clock in the wet room. Genie was hovering over the hot tub. “Your game time is almost over. You can bring it to an end at this point, if you like. Any unused seconds can be added to your next session,” said Genie's cheerful voice.

  Hannah twisted her head to look back at David. He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. “I think I'm going to finish here,” she said. “This seems like the perfect moment to pause.”

  “Absolutely,” said David.

  “If you close your eyes and relax,” said Genie, “the transition out of the game will be seamless.”

  Hannah sighed. She felt disappointed. It was not that the game was bad, it was just sad to be ending the session. She knew for certain that she would return. She hoped that she could revisit David and his treatment room. She also hoped that she could explore some of the other options offered by Ultimate Entertainment. Feeling a pleasant, wistful yearning for more, Hannah closed her eyes and relaxed into the warmth.

  She did not immediately notice the change from lying on David to lying in the game chair. When she opened her eyes, Genie was still there but the wet room was gone. Hannah was wearing her clothes and lying in the private room where her adventure had begun. She was glad to see that her clothes were not wet or dishevelled. Everything had happened in her brain. Her body had, apparently, not changed position.

  “The session is almost over,” said Genie. “When I disappear, you'll be back in real life. Jenna will be in to collect you and hear your feedback. Is there anything you'd like to discuss before we finish?”

  Hannah smiled. “How soon can I come back? And how much will it cost? And what are the other options for scenes?” she said, the words tumbling out happily.

  Genie giggled. “I'll let you discuss all that with Jenna! Let's save your game time for more exciting things! I hope to see you soon!” the avatar said. Then she drifted back to the blank wall and her appearance changed. She transformed from a pink globe to a pink circle. Then the circle faded and the wall was empty.

  “Game over,” whispered Hannah. Ultimate Entertainment would be receiving an excellent review. It would also be receiving repeat custom.

  Hannah could hardly wait for her next session.