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The Massage Page 2

  The treatment room was similar to what she had expected. It was clean, calming and warm. The walls were covered with pale pine and there was a window that showed that they were on the second or third floor of a building, looking down to a Japanese garden below. There were no people below. Standing by the massage table, there was a tall, muscular black man. He was dressed in a white uniform and he was holding a bottle of massage oil. His expression was welcoming, friendly and professional. “Hi there, I'm David, I'll be your masseur this afternoon,” he said. His accent was similar to Hannah's. He must be from the south of England somewhere, maybe even a Londoner or an Essex boy. Despite his height and physicality, he did not seem intimidating. He was as friendly as he was gorgeous.

  “Ok, how do we do this?” said Hannah. She could not believe that she was talking to software. It felt like it had to be a trick. Perhaps there really was a massage room and the door had been hidden. She knew that was an absurd idea, yet her brain could not accept that this was all a simulation.

  “When you're ready, remove the robe and lie on the table. You can put a towel over yourself if you're feeling self conscious... then you relax and I massage!” David said, with a smile. He turned his back and examined the bottles on his side-table, giving Hannah the space to take off her robe without being observed.

  “Ok,” said Hannah. This was the most bizarre thing that she had ever done. She had been for massages in the past, but she had never been to a sex worker. She knew that David would provide a sexual service. That was the whole point of Ultimate Entertainment. There were other packages, of course. You could climb mountains or swim with dolphins. The majority of people wanted sex, though. Silk knew that. She shamelessly marketed the game as a sex simulator. Hannah's answers in the questionnaire had been honest. She wanted to try a sex simulation. Now that she was here, she felt embarrassed. It was all so real. Not only that, she knew that the system was watching. Even if no human ever saw what had been simulated, Genie would know. She supposed that was no different to her computer knowing her internet history. While she pondered all this, she took off her robe and got onto the massage table, draping a towel over her buttocks. If it got too awkward, she could always tell the game to pause, she thought to herself. As she lay there with her eyes closed, she tried to remind herself that none of this was happening. A complex piece of software, a stunning piece of hardware and her own wetware were playing a game. There was a complex dance of algorithms and memories. Brains could dream and hallucinate. Computers could simulate. When humans and computers interfaced, reality was malleable.

  “Are you ready?” David asked. He was standing by the table.

  Hannah opened her eyes. She realized that she did not know how long she had. She did not want to waste all her time with a long massage, but she did not want to rush to sex either. “How long do we have?” she asked.

  David gestured to the wall. There was a pink digital clock, the digits glowing the same colour as Genie. “We have until three. That gives you three quarters of an hour,” he said, smiling and warming the oil in his hands.

  “Right. Great. Ok,” said Hannah. She knew she was blushing. Her blush increased when David's large, warm hands pressed gently against her shoulders. The touch was completely real. Nothing suggested that this was software.

  David was an expert masseur. His touch was firm and skilled. As he massaged Hannah's shoulders and neck, she tried to focus her mind and her senses. She wanted to find the flaws in the game. It was too perfect. It was frightening to know that she could be fooled so easily into believing simulation was reality. If Silk had been a less ethical woman, she could use her tech for all kinds of nefarious purposes. Instead of cruelty, though, Silk had focussed on fun. It was strange that such expensive and complex tech was necessary to give someone a massage. It was reductive to think that way. The tech was not there for massages. The tech was there so that the massage could turn to mind-blowing sex. The tech was there so people could experience sexual situations that would be dangerous in the real world. You could not trust a real masseur if he started to touch you inappropriately. That would be unprofessional and a violation of trust. In a game though, there was nothing wrong with it. Hannah had given her consent by starting to play and she could stop the scenario at any time. As David's hands drifted lower down her back, Hannah smiled to herself. This was going to turn sexual and she was not going to stop it. There was no need to be worried. He would never ask for her number. He would not do anything rough or unpleasant. He would be focussed entirely on her pleasure. His hands were on her lower back. If he turned out to be as good at sex as he was at massage, Hannah knew that she was going to have a good time.

  Leaving Hannah's back, David walked to the bottom of the table and set to work on her feet, then her lower legs. His hands were getting warmer, as was the oil. It slipped over her skin, thick and smooth, forming tiny pools at the backs of her knees. The oil behaved exactly like a real fluid. It did not feel simulated, it felt like warm oil on sensitive skin. David's strong, thick fingers were on the backs of her thighs now. He smoothed the oil up her skin, pressing hard enough to make her muscles melt. She felt herself sighing. She wondered if her body, her real body that was lying in a chair, was also sighing. This though vanished as David's warm hands slid smoothly under her towel and massaged her buttocks. She gasped, forgetting for a moment that this was a game. David withdrew his hands and said, “Should I stop?”

  “Just for a second,” said Hannah. Her heart had started to beat too fast. Everything felt too real. Part of her brain, something primitive, was panicking. This might be a trick. She might be about to suffer an assault from a dangerous man.

  The clock beeped and Genie rose out of it. “The simulation is paused,” she said. She sounded polite and professional. “My observations suggest that you're not completely comfortable. Would you like to quit the game or change the simulation in some way?”

  Hannah felt calmer immediately. The floating light was talking. That meant this was a game. “It's ok, I'm just struggling to accept that this isn't a trick,” said Hannah. She looked at David. He was standing impossibly still. No real person could freeze in that way. Nothing flickered. He was in total stasis, paused like a movie on a screen.

  “It's not a trick, not in that way!” said Genie. She sounded as cheerful as ever. “The only 'trick' is that the software and your brain are making the simulation seem so real. Don't worry, all new users wonder if it's a hoax. I'll show you that you're still in a simulation. Let me change the setting.” The whole room faded to darkness and then the lights rose again. The massage table and David were now on the beach that Hannah had seen earlier. The sun faded and the scene vanished to darkness. When the lights rose, the massage table was on the deck of a sailing ship. Hannah could feel the motion of the ship as the waves rocked in a tropical sea. Light dimmed, lights rose. The table was now in the centre of what looked like a Roman Villa. Dim, rise. Back in the treatment room. “You see?” said Genie. “This is all a simulation. Would you like to continue?”

  Hannah laughed. She was no longer frightened. She was excited again. She was also curious. She wanted to know what scenarios might be enjoyed on a ship or in a Roman villa. This game had possibilities. She was only playing her first session and she was already wondering what she might do in the next one. “Ok, I'm ready, restart,” said Hannah. She watched Genie disappear back into the clock and David continued to move. He had not noticed being paused. Hannah saw that she still had forty minutes. She intended to use them well.

  “Did you want me to go on?” David said, his hands on the edge of the towel, ready to slide under, back to her buttocks.

  “Please do,” said Hannah. She shut her eyes and settled into the massage table. She could feel his strong, oily hands slipping under the towel. He worked her buttocks as skilfully as he had worked her thighs. There was no fumbling or urgency. David was concentrating on her pleasure, not on his own gratification. Rather than rushing to touch her pussy, he was
focussing on giving her a true massage, even though he was touching her backside. “Would you like to lie on your back and I can massage your front?” he said. He spoke as though this were a totally normal service from a masseur.

  “Yes please!” Hannah said. She was almost breathless with excitement. She had had fantasies of fucking a masseur, but it had never seemed like something that could or should happen. In this game, though, she could experience an impossible dream. David would not rush her or force her into anything that she did not want. There would be no awkwardness. All that mattered was her happiness and her pleasure. Hannah quickly rolled onto her back. She did not care that she baring her pert breasts to a total stranger. She wanted his hands everywhere.

  He began by pouring oil into his hands to warm it. Then he poured the warmed oil onto her soft abdomen, letting it pool in her navel and smoothing it down as it dribbled over her flesh. She looked at his face as he worked. He was not overcome with lust, nor was he an emotionless robot. He had a faint smile and an expression of professional contentment. His touch was less firm on her stomach. He was stroking more than massaging. When his hands reached her breasts, it felt entirely natural that he should touch her there. His hands on her breasts were pleasurable, it would be silly not to enjoy his touch. She smiled up at him and, when she caught his eye, he smiled back. “Would you like me to remove your towel now?” he asked.

  “Absolutely,” she said. Now that her sudden burst of anxiety was over, she was eager to play the game properly. David's hands were amazing. It was time that he put them to use.

  He took the towel carefully and folded it, putting it on the side-table. Then he returned to Hannah. He parted her legs very gently and began to massage her inner thighs. He did not comment on her unshaven pussy. She knew that she had not trimmed for a long time and she knew that did not matter at all. David was not going to be squeamish about body hair. He did not have preferences. He was a projection of what she wanted. He was her own desires made flesh through the brilliance of Anastasia Silk's miraculous code and tech. David was her fantasy, but the tech had made her dreams into reality.

  Her pussy was aching for his fingers. His strong, warm hands felt so good on his thighs that it was almost unbearable that he was taking so long to touch her between her legs. When his oily fingertips first brushed her soft lips, she closed her eyes and shuddered with the pleasure of it all. The setting was perfect, David was gorgeous and his touch was exquisite. Nothing about his movements was rushed. His fingers stroked delicately up and down her lips, treating her pussy just as he had treated the rest of her: with respect and tenderness. His entire purpose was to give her pleasure. It had begun as purely sensual and now he was crossing the vague boundary into sexual. She spread her legs wider and his fingers began to stroke around her clitoris and her anus simultaneously. He did not poke or jab like some over-eager men. Every touch was designed to raise the level of her arousal and stimulation. Slow, hot caresses were making her flesh melt around his fingers. She hardly noticed the transition from touching her outside to slipping into her. Before she really knew it, one of his thick fingers was deep inside her, massaging with the same firm, skilled strokes. He used both hands together, one to stimulate outside, the other to work the finger inside her. There was nothing about his technique that was not perfect. Without being told, he knew the depth, pressure and rhythm that she needed. If he had wished, he could probably have brought her to orgasm in a matter of seconds, but he was choosing to take his work seriously and slowly. The intention was to prolong her pleasure, making the experience as sensual as it was sexual. Her transferred his out hand to her breasts, massaging them again, her wetness now mixed with the oil. The hand between her legs was carefully stimulating both inside and outside. He even paid the right sort of attention to her anus, rubbing it firmly but never penetrating.

  Hannah wondered how the software could know so precisely what she enjoyed. The questionnaire had been thorough, but it had not gone into such precise details as how she liked to be touched. She could only assume that some combination of software and hardware was monitoring her every response. Perhaps her brain was busy telling the tech what to do. Together they were creating loop of pleasure: her nervous system told the machine what it needed and the machine responded. This game was more perfect than any human lover could hope to be. Only telepathy could lead to such intuitive sexual prowess.

  As she groaned and arched her back, Hannah watched the strong hands that roamed over her skin. The visual stimulation was just as wonderful as the physical sensations. David was beautiful to look at. His muscles moved visibly beneath his skin. She wanted to see more of his muscular torso.

  David looked up from her pussy and said, “Should I remove my clothes now? It might add to the effect?”

  “Oh yes,” said Hannah. She grinned. Even though he would have to stop touching her for a moment or two, it would be worth it to see his gorgeous body without the white uniform. It did not concern her that, once naked, he would start rushing things. The game knew what Hannah wanted and it was not about to start making mistakes, she could tell.

  David undressed unhurriedly and professionally, just as though it were another part of his job. He did not dance like a stripper, he simply removed his clothing, piece by piece. The discarded clothes were folded and put neatly on the side-table. His body was everything that Hannah had hoped for. All of his bulk came from muscle. He did not look like a bodybuilder, more like a swimmer or gymnast. There was a small amount of hair on his chest and abdomen, with more short curls around the base of his impressive cock. When he was completely naked, he returned to Hannah and to her massage. As he put one hand on her torso and the other between her legs, his cock rose slightly, showing that he was excited by his work. Nevertheless, despite his growing arousal, he continued to focus on Hannah's pleasure. This time he eased two fingers inside her, watching her face attentively to ensure that he was taking the right approach. Hannah sighed with a delight that came from so much more than just the way he was touching her. There was a satisfaction in being the centre of his attention. There was also the perfection of her surroundings. The table was comfortable, the room was pleasant and the smell of the massage oil was soothing. Every one of her senses was experiencing pleasure. She was just thinking that only her sense of taste was without excitement when he bent over to kiss her. The taste of his tongue on hers felt like a moment of completion. Every part of her was pleased.

  Although they were kissing, he kept his hands working slowly. Hannah was now so wet and sensitive that she wanted something more than just his fingers. The relaxing massage had given her an appetite for something more vigorous. David's tongue withdrew and he pulled away slowly. She saw that he was fully hard. His cock was large without being absurd or intimidating. “Would you like me to use my tongue now or would you prefer my penis?” he asked.

  Hannah could not suppress a giggle. He still sounded so professional. She did not feel like she was his conquest or even his lover, she felt like he was her slave. She was not a dominant person, but it was deeply refreshing to have a man be so attentive to her needs. “I think I'd like you to fuck me,” she said, smirking as she spoke. She had been tempted by the offer of oral, but she wanted to have some effect on him, wanted to break through his air of professionalism. It was pleasant to have a man be so calm, but there was something almost offensive in his detachment. She wanted to hear him moaning and see that he was lusting after her.

  “Excellent,” he said, looking genuinely pleased. This flash of pleasure from him showed that he was not just a robot. He wanted this as much as her. He stood at the foot of the table and she could see how hard he was. With complete confidence and a gymnast's grace, he climbed onto the table between her legs, his large body looming over her. She spread her legs eagerly as he guided his cock to her waiting lips. Smiling, he began to use the head of his cock to rub up and down her lips, teasing them with the promise of what was to come.

  “Mmm, yes, I want it ins
ide me,” she said, looking up at his friendly, excited expression. He was eager to please her and equally eager to please himself.

  “My pleasure,” he said. Then, with teasing slowness, he began to push his cock into her. She was so wet that he could have driven it into her much harder, but he was completely controlled. He watched her eyelids fluttering as his cock's rigid girth stretched her even more wonderfully than his fingers. He slid deeper and deeper, groaning with his own satisfaction as her oily body pressed against him. Soon he was buried inside her and their bodies were pressed together, growing warmer by the moment. Very slowly he withdrew and then slipped back in, filling and satisfying her as deeply as he could take him. She loved his cock, loved his strong body and loved his caring, handsome face. She kissed him slowly and sensually as he fucked her. His movements were filled with contained strength. His body made it clear that he could easily be much rougher. Had he wanted to, he could have pulled her into any position and pounded her with all his strength. It was within his power to hammer his big cock into her and make her shriek. Instead, he moved firmly and deliberately, calculating what would produce the slowest and best arousal.

  Hannah found the slowly building pleasure almost unbearable. There were moments where she was tempted to scream at him to fuck her harder, but she trusted his judgement. He knew how to bring her slowly to heights that she had only dreamt about. She had often treated sex as a quick fix, the equivalent of fast food eaten without thought. This was not fast food sex, this was a gourmet meal, to be enjoyed slowly and with full attention. The angle of his cock was making his shaft rub against her clitoris as he fucked her and she loved the sensation. At this speed, the two of them might go on building up their pleasure for hours. David clearly had the stamina and control to do this just as long as she needed.